Thursday, March 13, 2025

Book Blast: BAD ORDER by Mike Elliott

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Mike Elliot will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

This is the incredible true story of railroad worker and union official Mike Elliott, targeted by his railroad employer, BNSF Railway Company, for his safety-related activities. As the union's state legislative board chair, Elliott was the top safety official in the state, and the voice for over 900 rank & file locomotive engineers operating trains around the clock, every day of the year.

When his members reported a plethora of trackside signal malfunctions on the BNSF Seattle subdivision, Elliott went to the railroad first, asking that they fix the problems. When the BNSF failed to act, he contacted the government's regulatory authority, the Federal Railroad Administration. That led to an FRA inspection of over 130 miles of the railroad's track and signal systems turning up hundreds of federal defects – all with potential to put workers and the public at risk.

What followed was a retaliation plot reminiscent of the Nineteenth Century Robber Barons: A management-staged conflict at work, police called in, arrest, jail, criminal charges, and termination from his job – not once but twice.

The wrath, influence and power of North America's largest freight railroad is unleased in full force and in an all-out attack on a whistleblower's life, liberties, and career. An amazing journey of one man's righteous battle against impossible odds and the nearly unlimited resources of a multi-billion-dollar corporation.

Read an Excerpt:

I began my railroad career in 1995 on the Burlington Northern Railroad. Within three years, I was certified in two railroad operating crafts: Conductor and Locomotive Engineer. Concurrently, I became involved with the local railroad unions, taking a keen interest in safety, especially crew fatigue. For several years, I held a division level safety position— Legislative Representative—working local safety issues in Pasco and Yakima, Washington. Concurrently, I headed a state-level union safety office, 1st Vice Chair to then-Chair Mark K. Ricci, PhD. But in 2007, I was moved up to Chair of the Washington State Legislative Board when, quite unexpectedly, Mark resigned mid-term. So began six of the most impactful years of my life. My chief responsibilities as Chair were to advocate for the safety and welfare of our 900 members—not only on the two Class I railroads, BNSF and Union Pacific, but also on Amtrak, Sounder commuter trains, and Tacoma Rail. I hoped my work would help improve workplace safety and, ultimately, prevent tragedies. In the late spring and early summer of 2010, I received complaints about vegetation overgrowth blocking the view of signals on the tracks between Tacoma and Vancouver, Washington—about 133 miles of tracks. Interestingly, most of the complaints were from my Union Pacific membership whose jobs running trains co-exist with BNSF on that segment of railroad track. I knew it wasn’t that UP train crews just liked to complain or that BNSF train crews didn’t care. More likely, BNSF train crews had learned from bitter experience that management retaliation was the reward for those who dared to be the “squeaky wheel.” When I use the word “complaints,” I’m not talking about petty gripes. Not at all. These were legitimate safety complaints about the signals controlling train movement along “double-track” territory known as the BNSF Seattle Subdivision, a segment of right-of-way where BNSF and UP share track in a joint-use arrangement. The complaints were a straight-up red-flag warning from professional train crews who worked the line on a regular basis. These warnings needed to be heard; their complaints needed to be heeded. And they required immediate action.

About the Author: Mike Elliott was born and raised in Washington State. He enjoys the great outdoors of the Pacific Northwest, classic rock & roll music, vintage stereo gear, home cooked meals, and Seattle Mariners baseball. He lives in Tacoma, Washington.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wednesday Blogging Challenge


Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop”. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

Characters I Want to Meet

Characters I would like to meet would be the characters on Seinfeld. I would love to hang with Jerry, George, Elaine, Kramer, and all the secondary characters that often appeared throughout the show because I know that life with them would just be a never-ending laugh-out-loud riot. With the cast of Seinfeld, I would know that everyday would be an adventure in the most menial life activities like searching for your car in a parking garage or waiting for a table in a Chinese restaurant. The main reason I love the Seinfeld characters so much is because they honestly get me in the little life obsessions, constantly wondering about the dumbest things. For example, if you were abducted by aliens, would you rather be in their zoo or circus? You would surely be in for some deep and meaningful discussions with Seinfeld. 

A secondary choice for me would be the characters of Friends, and that all goes back to the line in the theme song, "I'll be there for you." While I would enjoy hanging out with Friends, the only thing that would get me would be the drama on relationships whereas Seinfeld never worried about that. 

What characters would you like to meet?

Blog Tour: BELIEVING IN YOU by Sharon C. Cooper


They’re opposites in every way, but they might just be the perfect match.

Believing In You

Priestly Family Series Book 1

by Sharon C. Cooper

Genre: Contemporary Romance

They’re opposites in every way, but they might just be the perfect match.


After a case of mistaken identity, riddled with betrayal, Harrison Grant is struggling to open himself up to other people again. He lost a part of himself while in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, and it seems impossible to move forward.


Enter Nyla Priestly. She’s a woman with a bubbly smile for everyone she meets and who always has a kind word to say. The jaded version of Harrison wants to doubt her personality is real. No one can be that happy all the time. Right?


Nyla has never been into the broody type. Yet something about Harrison makes her body crave him. Sure, he’s gorgeous and happens to be one of the sexiest saxophone players she’s ever met. But achieving her dream of owning Moody Days Jazz Club is top priority. She doesn’t have time to deal with a man. No matter how good he makes her feel.


As Harrison falls for Nyla and helps her fulfill her dreams, can her unceasing love be enough for him to trust again?


Amazon * Apple * B&N * Kobo * Smashwords * More Links * Bookbub * Goodreads

USA Today bestselling author Sharon C. Cooper loves anything involving romance with a happily-ever-after, whether in books, movies, or real life. She writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, as well as romantic comedy. She enjoys rainy days, carpet picnics, and family game night. Her stories have won numerous awards, including The Rochelle Alers Best Series award for her Atlanta’s Finest Series (2022) and The Beverly Jenkins Author of the Year award (2021). When she isn’t writing, Sharon loves hanging out with her amazing husband, doing volunteer work, or reading a good book (a romance of course). To read more about Sharon and her novels, or to sign up to be notified of her latest releases, visit

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Blog Tour: LITTLE BLUE by Jay Lang


Jay Lang




:  Romantic Suspense






New York musician Jude Rossi's world is shattered when his 14-year-old daughter, Little Blue—a rising star in the music scene—dies unexpectedly at her record deal party.


Though the coroner’s report lists “overdose,” Jude knows that his daughter’s disdain for drugs means there’s something far more sinister at play. With no means to investigate, he spirals into a dark abyss of grief, turning his back on his once-thriving music career.


Two years later, Jude works as a low-paid janitor in a boxing gym. One fateful night he encounters Mad Madge, a homeless woman claiming she can reconnect him with his daughter. Desperate and intoxicated, he consumes a strange serum and is thrust into a nightmarish realm. There, Little Blue’s spirit reveals that a snake-tattooed man is responsible for her death, igniting a fierce hunger for vengeance when Jude awakens in a hospital bed.


As Jude spirals deeper into his obsession, he meets Lauren Banks, an addiction psychology student who distracts him from his deadly vendetta. With her help, he begins to reclaim the life he lost, even landing a job at her father's entertainment law firm. But the haunting messages from spirits pull him back into the darkness, unraveling a web of truths about music industry execs and his daughter’s tragic end.


Nothing will stop Jude from seeking revenge for his little girl. However, he is unprepared for the lengths some will go to protect their secrets and power.




Excerpt Two:


Lauren radiates when she answers the door in a short flowy cotton dress, bare feet with her toenails painted, and her hair in loose curls that frame her pretty face. I feel almost boy-like shy while I stand in front of her, trembling inside and trying my hardest to make eye contact.


Once I’m inside, I kick off my shoes and follow her to a small but stylish room. As I look around at the furniture and décor, it strikes me as funny that although her apartment is located in one of the pricier areas of Manhattan, the furniture and decorations look casual and inexpensive. The loveseat and matching chair look at least thirty years old, and the small wooden coffee table has chips and coffee mug stains. There aren’t many pictures on the walls, other than a few framed collages of people. Near the front window, a dusty fake plant stands five feet tall in a pot with a huge crack. There’s a modest-sized flatscreen on the wall in front of the sofa, with an old-fashioned turntable and records on a short cabinet just off to the side.


She sees me looking and laughs. “I know. The outside of the building doesn’t really match the inside of my apartment, does it?”


“It’s great. It’s a lot nicer than my place, that’s for sure.”


“It’s home. Plus, I don’t spend much time here. Mostly I just come here to sleep and eat, then I’m out the door to work and repeat. Why don’t you take off your jacket and I’ll give you the grand tour?”


Lauren grabs my jacket from me and tosses it onto the back of the loveseat. I follow her down a short hallway off the living room, where the light from two rooms casts a glow on the wooden floor. When we approach the first doorway she stops. “This is the bathroom, a three-piece with the noisiest pipes in the world.”


We then move to the last doorway. “This is my bedroom. Believe it or not, it’s the biggest room in the apartment. Not a great floor plan for a person who lives alone.”


I step into the room, which features a large, wrought-iron, four-poster bed. Next to it is a tall mahogany armoire with more scratches and dents. Beside the armoire is a matching vanity with just as many flaws. “My bedroom furniture was handed down to me from my mother. I could have refurbished everything, but I kind of like broken things. They have more character.”


 “Is that why you like me?”


“No. And for the record, I don’t think you’re broken, crazy, or a lost cause, regardless how we first met.”


“Yeah, right. Are you forgetting the condition I was in that day? I was a hot mess.”


She giggles shyly. “Well, regardless of your condition, I did kinda think you were hot.”


 “You’ve got to set your standards higher, girl.”


“There’s nothing wrong with you, Jude. You’re a grieving father, and it’s expected that you would have repercussions from that, emotionally or otherwise.”


“Those are the words of a doctor.”


Lauren shakes her head. “I’m not a doctor. I’m at the bottom stage of learning. But I do know crazy, and you’re not it.”


“How do you know for sure?” I grin. “Maybe crazy runs in my family.”


“Well, if that’s the case, I’m in big trouble. Crazy goes way back on my father’s side, all the way to the mid-1800’s.”


“That’s a long time ago. Are you sure someone in your family isn’t pulling your leg?”


“This wasn’t the icebreaker I had planned, but now that we’ve arrived on the subject of crazy, I’ll show you.”


I sit on the edge of her bed and fold my arms, intrigued.


I watch as Lauren goes into her armoire, rummaging around in a narrow drawer before straightening up, a Ziplock bag of papers in-hand. She sits next to me and opens the bag, then gently pulls out the folded papers. Once they’re on the bed, I notice that the three sheets are quite brown, with the edges torn or crumbled away. “Wow. These look very old.”


Lauren nods. “All the way back to the 1800s.” She slowly unfolds each of the three pages and lays them between us on the bed. “The print has faded, but I’ll try to make out the important parts.”


She gently picks up the first piece of paper with an easy-to-read heading, The New York Ledger.


July 6th– Pittsford Village Tragedy: Marjorie Gamble Banks Murders Husband, William Banks.


 The words underneath are a lot smaller and less legible.


Lauren clears her throat and squints at the page.


“In the village of Pittsford, on the evening of July 6th, Marjorie Banks tragically lost her reason and took the life of her husband, the esteemed William Banks. Armed with a hunting rifle, Mrs. Banks entered the Wine Without Reason Tavern around 7 p.m., where she found her unarmed husband and fatally shot him. Patrons of the tavern, familiar with the Banks’s as regular patrons, were stunned by the cold-blooded act. Following the murder, Mrs. Banks calmly seated herself at her husband's table, finished his drink, and awaited the arrival of the sheriff.”


“Wow. That’s wild. And who was this murderess to you?”


“She would be my great, great grandmother on my father’s side.”


“That’s quite the family connection you have. And after a hundred and fifty-four years, it’s amazing that you have these newspaper clippings.”


“Yeah. I know. They were passed down to me from my grandma, who I was very close with. They probably belong in a museum, but I just haven’t been able to part with them.”


“I get it. If I had something as cool as these, I wouldn’t want to give them up either.




 Review: One father, a former rock musician, can’t seem to cope with the death of his only daughter—his Little Blue. The person that gave her the drugs and caused her death was still free. It was murder and Jude was determined to find her killer.

Words that were lovely and graceful capture the reader’s attention. The sentiment is poetic and deep, and the premise was definitely intriguing.

One day, someone makes it possible for Jude to see his dead daughter in a realm called the in-between. It was this poisonous vial that allowed him to see her, but was it real or just a hallucination of the drug?

In this story, we follow Jude’s pondering journey as he struggles to figure out what’s real and what’s not. Meanwhile, Jude still seeks out his daughter’s killer. Jude seems to thing that a famous rock star was responsible for drugging his daughter and the music executives hid it.

I liked the connection that Jude was able to make with Lauren. Throughout the whole book, Jude is caught between euphoria over his friendship with Lauren and bitter anger over the rock star. What was the real truth in all this?

The murder and seeking justice were compelling aspects of the story. It would seem the loss of a child, no matter what form, debilitates most parents, and they would do anything to see their child again.

This was a nice read overall with the exception of the few typos you run into. Towards the end, we get some surprising secrets revealed. The ending was unexpected and satisfying.

A good ghost story!

Rating: 5 stars

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Jay Lang grew up on the ocean, splitting her time between Read Island and Vancouver Island before moving to Vancouver to work as a TV, film and commercial actress. Eventually she left the industry for a quieter life on a live-a-board boat, where she worked as a clothing designer for rock bands. Five years later she moved to Abbotsford to attend university. There, she fell in love with creative writing.  Little Blue is her twelfth novel published by BWL Publishing Inc.  Jay spends her days hiking and drawing inspiration for her writing from nature.






Jay Lang will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blog Tour: SUNSET BAY by Karen Stewart


Karen Stewart




:  Romance






A self-professed hot mess express, Joy Sinclair is a 54-year-old divorcee living back at home in Sunset Bay. Tired of blind dates and a lack of eligible men, she's resigned to being single. That is until she is literally knocked off her feet by a good looking stranger. Jeremy is only staying long enough to help his father recover from a broken foot. Is there any point even getting to know him?


Joy's mother Helen Sinclair is 80 years young and a real sassy molassy. She dresses outrageously, talks to her dead husband Sam and nudges Joy out of her comfort zone as often as she can. Meeting Jeremy's father Hank at the local seniors centre, Helen suddenly finds herself with a busy social life.


Love is in the air with a wedding, birthday party, prom night and a major weather event all conspiring to shake things up.


Celebrating the messiness of finding yourself and the courage to follow your heart, Sunset Bay is a journey of love, loss, hope and new beginnings.





Excerpt Two:


Not an auspicious start to the day. I strive to be a glass half full kind of gal. Not always Miss Mary Sunshine, all sweetness, and light, but a person who attempts to see the positive in situations. This morning, however, things went south the moment my mother showed up at the breakfast table.


“Mom,” I uttered calmly and carefully. Hopefully, my smile masked what I’ll admit was a tiny bit of concern.


 “Any reason you’re wearing that outfit?” Cheese Louise. Talk about a grand entrance. With an overly dramatic swish and sashay, my mother displayed her eye blinding outfit. A bright pink poncho, clashing floral capris pants, gaudy striped toe socks with sandals, an enormous floppy straw hat, and umpteen Mardi Gras necklaces. The outfit I’d worn to a “Tacky Tourist” costume party six months before.


“Getting ready for Halloween?” Mr. Byrd asked tactfully while others at the table raised their eyebrows and smirked.


My superpower is anxiety, and I felt butterflies gathering in my stomach.


 “Right.” I quickly put my arm around my mom, guiding her into a chair.


“You won first prize with this costume, so it’s perfect for Halloween,” my mother explained. Halloween is months away, but it was a handy way out, and I was grateful.


“Who needs another coffee?” Hands shot up around the table and that was all the interruption required to restart conversations. You can believe Miss Mardi Gras and I will be having a chat later.




AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Calling her work life eclectic, Karen Stewart has been a 911 operator, a freelance writer and photographer, written commercials for radio stations, performed fifty weddings as a wedding commissioner and for twelve years was the owner/operator of a busy bed and breakfast.


Sunset Bay is her first book, and checks off the number one item on her bucket list.


Mostly retired, she lives in a small seaside town on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. She's happiest spending time with her three grandsons and their adorable dog Roo.











Karen Stewart will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway